EMPLANT DELUXE - The ultimate hardware enhanced emulation module.

Emplant Deluxe is a Zorro (II or III compatible) card designed for the user who requires the most complete Mac emulation. (As well as the possibility to run the PC emulation module). The Emplant hardware allows the most compatible and fastest emulation possible. (Particularly when the Amiga is running Amiga tasks in the background). It is also essential for those users requiring AppleTalk networking features or Midi support, since the actual AppleTalk hardware is present. The inclusion of a dedicated Mac SCSI interface also means the best possible compatibility with SCSI devices (CD-ROMs, etc) and is essential for direct Scanning i.e. via PhotoShop.

Download the full Emplant Amiga Guides guides.lha

Download the full Macintosh Development History machist.lha

Read the latest Emplant Macintosh Software Changes

Download the latest Emplant Macintosh software (V5.5) macsw.lha

Check out the Apple Support site

Price : �199.95 UKP

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